Remote Doctoring Takes Off With the MDKeeper

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Key Takeaways

By David Ponce

Being sick sucks. It’s the bane of many of the elderly however, and sadly, there’s less and less space for them in hospitals. They get sent home all the time, even when medical attention is still needed, with their fingers crossed in the hopes that all of their body parts will stay on while there’s no one around to help.

This thought probably didn’t sit too well with Israeli-based Tadiran Spectralink, makers of (somewhat ironically) various war-related products: Advanced Data Links for Guided Weapons Systems, UAV data-links, etc. This data-linking experience is precisely what’s made them suited to produce a wristwatch-like device, called the MDKeeper.

It’s designed to be worn by the elderly, or at-risk patients, chronically ill patients and people requiring nursing care. It monitors patients’ pulse, cardiac rhythm and blood oxygen values without inconveniencing them, stores the data on a chip and then transmits it in real time or as needed over the GSM/GPRS network to a medical center. It’s a little like a nurse’s monitoring station, except the patient is miles away.

Price here, people, is not the point. Check out the company website. Read more here.

Thanks, Asim.

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