Sony Japan’s VoIP Enabled Dual-Purpose Mouse

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Key Takeaways

By David Ponce

On the reckless path of the Purple People Eater, (aka “Mr.Convergence”) nothing is left untouched. Cellphones merge with MP3 players. Gaming machines fuse with internet browsers and printers mate with scanners. Hell, even mice can’t just be mice.

Take the “Mouse Talk”, from Sony Japan. It looks like a normal mouse, but it also doubles as a VoIP phone. When you want to talk, simply open it up, and use it with your favorite VoIP software (e.g. Skype). It’s a corded, 800dpi, USB 2.0 version that will work only with WIN 200 or XP only.

It measures 45.5mm x height 23.9mm x depth 89.2mm (When closed) and weighs 67 grams. The mouse talk will be available in Japan from Feb 18th for 8000 Yen ($ 65) in five colors White, Red, Green, Black and Blue.

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