xun chi 138

By David Ponce

While Chris’ (from Slashgear) first reaction to the Xun Chi 138 concerned its possible impact on the disturbing art of rectal transportation, we prefer to think of the marvelous advances in miniaturization that have allowed this handset to be produced… Ah, who are we kidding? Yes, if you positively must smuggle a cellular phone into prison by concealing it into your anal cavity, perhaps this is the one to do it with. It weighs 55 grams and is 2.64 inches long, and is quite possibly the smallest mobile we’ve ever come across.

To achieve this feat, the keypad has been ditched in favor of a 260k color touchscreen LCD. Also, there’s no Bluetooth, nor any expansion slot. It does however feature a 1.3MP digicam (though it seems to only take VGA shots; perhaps the 1.3MP figure is upsampled, then), GPRS, MP3 player and handwriting recognition. Word is that it’s being made somewhere in China, in Shenzhen City, and may venture onto the rest of the world pending translation of the firmware into English and French.

VIA [Slashgear]


  1. Das kleinste Kandy der Welt?…

    Das Xun Chi 138 ist wom?glich das kleinste Handy der welt… es wiegt nur 55 gramm und ist gute 2,64 Inches lang…. Touchscreen usw. und das beste Feature: es kommt in ner beschissenen Farbe….

  2. Verdens minste mobitelefon…

    Xun Chu 138 skal v?re verdens minste mobiltelefon. Den veier 55 gram, og skal v?re 2,64 tommer lang.
    Den er utstyrt med en trykkf?lsom skjerm, noe som i grunner en selvf?lge n?r den er s? liten at den ikke har plass til taster.
    Utrolig nok har d…

  3. World’s smallest cellphone might be a bit too small…

    Hey, I like tiny phones as much as the next guy, but this is insane. Take a gander at the Xun Chi 138, purported to be the world’s smallest……