Dead Pleo

By Evan Ackerman

This week on BotJunkie started off dramatically. We cringed as we watched a hapless Pleo get disemboweled by a ComBot at Maker Faire, felt a little better watching a few more ComBot matches where ComBots fought ComBots, checked out some footage of the new Wall-E Ultimate Robot toy, drooled over an auction of beautiful vintage robot toys with their fantastic original boxes, chuckled over a new Wall-E video involving a our favorite animated bot gettin’ jiggy with pair of headphones, were less than impressed but mildly amused by a robotic card dealer, got wowed by a robot that you (yes, you!) can teach how to make a bitchin’ omelette, mused a little bit on the Pleo community and Ugobe’s reaction to our video of the destruction of the Pleo by a ComBot, and ended the week with a segment from FutureWeapons on the Northrop Grumman X-47B UCAS.

[ BotJunkie ]