OHSO Self Dispensing Toothbrush

David Ponce Avatar

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This is a toothbrush for people that travel a lot. You fill it with toothpaste. Then, you turn that little black knob at the bottom in one direction and toothpaste comes right out on the bristles. A little window lets you see just how much is left.

That’s only half the story though. When you want to refill, first remove the part with the bristles. Then, screw in your toothpaste tube and turn the little black knob the other way. The suction thus created will draw in the toothpaste without making any sort of mess.

It’s pretty and ingenious.

There are three models: The very swanky looking Presto, the Divo, that kind of looks like a lipstick and the Marko, pictured. You can’t buy them just yet, but it seems you can add yourself to some sort of list if you’re interested. I’m guessing they’re in production or something. No clue on price.

Here. VIA JoshSpear.com.

Update: Richard Trocino of OHSO has contacted me with a few more details.

We are heavy into production now with a launch date of Aug-Sept. Presto and Divo First quarter 06. We are taking pre-sales contacts on GoOHSO.com under “buy now.” And the feedback has been fantastic.

The Chrome and Rubber Marko sells for $19.95 and includes an additional bristle head, small tube of Colgate, universal adaptor (for loading non-Colgate toothpaste), and instruction manual. We want a “batteries included” (or toothpaste in our case) immediate gratification when you open the box. Replacement bristle heads come in packs of three but we have not priced them yet. We also plan to offer an array of bristle heads soft,
medium, firm, shaped, etc.

3 responses to “Post Title”

  1. Mandy Avatar

    i think this is a awsome desigh.i would like to buy one of these when they come out

  2. […] We mentioned this lovely toothbrush a while back. At that point, it wasn’t being sold yet. Well, it is now, and the guys a OHSO were nice enough to send us a review unit. […]

  3. Mike Avatar

    I was so caught up in the hype of your toothbrush system? Such a cool idea, great industrial design and thoughtfulness? So, I bought two (one for me and one for my wife). We both travel extensively so I figured this would be a fantastic purchase? so much so, I even bought replacement brushes for each system. Unfortunately, the brushes haven?t quite lived up to our expectations. The short of it, is that they are perfect for your briefcase or purse should you need some emergency brushing; however, if you travel quite a bit (and for extended periods), the following shortcomings become quite evident:

    The reservoir doesn?t hold enough toothpaste for a week on the road (I brush at least twice a day)
    The brush (stem) is not long enough causing the thick round handle (which is likely not clean as it is not protected/covered) to enter your mouth when you are brushing your back teeth. Somehow that is not comfortable, but certainly not a pleasing thought? considering so much thought went into this product?s design, this was surprising
    The brush-head cover seals in moisture/keeps out germs (which is good)? except that the bristles stay soft (because they are kept wet)? and, though I haven?t experienced this yet, I?m guessing eventually some form of mildew / nasty smell will eventually be the result. In any case, the effect on the brush is to be about as effective as the brushes you get for emergencies at hotels, or in international flight bags.
    I bought one clear and one chrome? I can see now the chrome one looks a bit like a female ?massager? I definitely prefer the clear? I see other colors now on your website? smart.
    Finally, it is hard to dispense ample toothpaste? one trick I found is to hold the too brush pointed down so gravity helps load the brush? the other tip which proved most valuable was to squeeze the toothpaste tube some while loading the handle (perhaps that tip should be more prominent) as the result is more even / easy filling of the reservoir.

    I will be making a blog post soon, and commenting on some of the blogs that caused me to purchase in the first place. Please reply if there are other tips that might enhance my experience with your product, otherwise, I think it is best suited for backpacking and camping ? and for the briefcase or purse for emergency brush-ups.


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