Armatix Gun: Watch That Trigger

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By Gaurav Kheterpal

When you have a gun in your hand, people often advice you – ‘Watch that Trigger’. Armatix decided to take that advice literally and came up with a watch that controls your gun. Wearing a stylish wrist watch is trendy (except this watch is fugly) and owning a gun has its own aura – so if the two can be combined, it offers you the best of both worlds.

The gun won’t work and a red LED will light up if the watch isn’t in close proximity of the gun. The way this unusual combination works is through the watch sending a wireless arming signal to the gun. If the gun picks up the signal, it gets armed and a green LED lights up. Priced at nearly 7,000 Euros, this is quite an expensive affair.

I’m wondering what happens if your watch battery dies out and you need the gun?

Armatix ] VIA [ Wired ]

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