kobe beef business card holder

By David Ponce

Yeah, for some reason here I was half hoping it was a business card holder made from Kobe Beef jerky. You know, to snack on after you’ve given out all your cards… But it’s not. It’s just some vinyl chloride (aka plastic) card holder that holds ten cards, and looks awesome as hell coming out of your pocket.

They weigh about 30 grams, but since they’re handmade, that may vary a little. Not that it matters or anything, but we’re trying to find something pertinent to say about this; there isn’t much. They’re sold by SolidAlliance, a Japanese company famous for their food inspired USB drives. They’re available starting March 16th, and will set you back 2,980 Yen (or about $25).

[ Product Page (Translated from Japanese) ] VIA [ Plastic Bamboo ]