Asid Tech Zelda Sword And Shield Kit, Winner Of Nerdiest Accessory Award

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zelda sword and shield

By David Ponce

That’s an award we just made up, and we’d love to give it anyone nerdy enough to consider this purchase. See, these are special plastic accessories for the Wiimote and nunchuck; you just place the Wiimote in the plastic sword, and the nunchuck in the shield, and you’ve just magically added another layer of “reality” to the game. You might experience feelings of invincibility and euphoria at being able to play Zelda so realistically; believe us when we assure you that this is nothing more than your nerdiness manifesting itself in a slightly hysterical fashion.

It’s $30 if you’re really serious about this, but we’ll leave it up to you to figure out how to get Link’s green skirt and hoody costume.

[ Product Page ] VIA [ Ounae ]

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