beer-belly.gifBy Bruce Eaton

Since almost everyone who reads OhGizmo loves beer, the Beer Belly needs some attention, seeing as it allows you to drink and sneak beer into whatever situation you could ever think of: ballparks, kid’s piano recital, wife’s OB/GYN appointment, etc. Carrying up to 80oz of fluid, the unit is designed to be worn by users up to 6’8″ and up to a 40″ waist, so covering almost everyone. Made of Neoprene, the Beer Belly can hold hot or cold beverages and comes with a tube for dispensing. The bladder even has a wide opening to accommodate ice so you are not limited to beer: you can even fill it with mixed drinks such as margaritas. This opening also allows for easy cleaning.

A variety of accessories are available such as the Pleasure Extender, an icepack that keeps things chilly even longer. What has to be the best feature is that it comes in at $34.95 for the basic system and the deluxe at $49.95. They even did a “Return On Investment Analysis”: with modern sporting events’ beer being almost $7 each, you can recoup the costs easily in one event. What would you fill it with? I’m a Maredsous 8 man.

[Beer Belly] VIA [Gizmag]

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A graduate of Colgate University, Bruce is one of the elite Henro or pilgrims who have completed the 900 mile 88 Temple Pilgrimage on the island of Shikoku, Japan by means of foot power, a feat (no pun intended.... ok maybe alittle) which is no laughing matter. He not only finished this task with a crippling leg injury but he has attained enlightenment according to the monks on Koyasan. Currently the 23 year old is living in San Antonio where he spends his time working as a Data Analyst but also trying to accomplish his next great challenge, drinking all 200 beers at the Flying Saucer. Having recently married his long time friend from college and seen as nuts for doing so, Bruce relishes his life and hot dogs generously. KANPAI!!


  1. Bierbuik…

    Maak van je bierbuik een echte bierbuik! De Beerbelly is een drankzak die je op je buik draagt. En via het snoertje kun je hem lekker leegdrinken! Behalve bier, kun je er ook andere warme of koude drankjes met eventueel……