Friday, July 26, 2024
Mobile and Unwired

Mobile and Unwired

By Jonathan Kimak So you want a portable charger for your phone or mp3 player but the solar powered iPod is years away from reality. Instead you could try the Dance Charge. A company called GotWind worked with music company...
We know how we can be when we travel. We can have our guards down because we're trying to taste the moment. This FindX Item Tracker lets you succumb to wanderlust without letting you lose your valuables. Attach it...
By Gaurav Kheterpal Before the iPhone 3GS was launched, Apple drew a lot of flak from its customers over the lack of video capabilities. Though the iPhone 3GS came out with the best in its class video capabilities, old iPhone...
Tough, but slim, the Juno Power Super Nova 13,000 mAh Power Bank will keep you charged all day. Its stylish aluminum enclosure is beautiful to look at, it's extra durable too. It's a good choice if you don't want...
By Gaurav Kheterpal A few days ago at the 2010 Mobile World Congress, Intel and Nokia announced that they are joining hands to launch a new hybrid mobile operating system named 'MeeGo'. MeeGo will inherit the best of both worlds...
By Shane McGlaun The only time I like wireless mice are when they are for notebooks. When it comes to my desktop computer for gaming, I want a wired mouse. Wireless mice need to be charged too frequently for my...
By Gaurav Kheterpal Somewhat old news here, but you should know that Apple has removed all restrictions that prohibited making Video VoIP calls on 3G networks using the iPhone. The iPhone SDK has also been modified in order to give...
By Luke Anderson All too often we see companies trying to blend a multitude of functions into one gadget. The end result is generally something rather hideous that can't do anything very well. So naturally it's rather refreshing when I...