Sunday, July 21, 2024
Mobile and Unwired

Mobile and Unwired

Saying goodbye to a year that was and embracing a new one for all its new potential calls for a grand celebration. It's a milestone that almost everyone on earth is looking forward to. When the alcohol starts to flow...
If you've seen Apple's apocalypse video, you might helplessly agree that today's people can't live without their smartphone and their apps. We'd rather check map apps because most of us can't read an actual map. We'd be lost. So, when you're...
You would be surprised at how countless people have shared their horrible smart lock experiences. Smart locks, apparently, can be a little dumb when it comes to security. Take for example the case of a 31-year-old smart enthusiast living in...
Not all people who want to start making their houses smart remember to include their garage. But you, you're smart to know that your garage is one of the weakest spots in your home. Your garage door is probably the...
Don't you hate it when your headphone wires tangle? It takes a while to untangle them and get going. There's a great solution for this: those true wireless Bluetooth Earbuds. The Apple Airpods probably's the first pair that popped into your...
Nope, I am not talking about invasive technology. What I'm referring to are easy tech gadgets that can help you look beautiful, especially if you're super busy. According to a Yahoo study, the average woman spends about 22.5 minutes getting...
  First things first. You gotta set the mood. And what better way to do it than through lights, outlandish lights to be exact. Swap your candles with this XJCKING Abstract Twisted Night Light Lamp for a romantic "candlelit" dinner. Take...
I've nursed a cough for nearly a month when the year has started. I had worst days, but coughing and sneezing are affecting my productivity. It's also kind of embarrassing when you can't stop coughing when you're in public. So, for...
What?! Smart sprinklers? Uhm, no thanks. If you think you'd rather water your plant the old school way than waste money, bandwidth allocation, and time in setting one up, wait. Smart sprinklers can be totally convenient and heaven-sent for the right...
By Gaurav Kheterpal There is some good news - Google Voice is finally available on the iPhone. However, the bad news is that it runs on your iPhone's browser and not as a native application. Google has been trying hard to convince...