Screwhead Tape

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screwhead tape

By David Ponce

Some time back, Richard Shed and Sam Johnson started what some would consider a marginally artsy discussion, with some geeky undertones. They debated whether the visible appearance of structural detail on furniture could impact our perceptions of its quality, its value and its decorative potential. I mean, hey, who doesn’t like those see-through calculators, or those all-glass watches (with the mechanism visible)?

The fruit of all this talk was The Screwhead Tape, a limited edition printed packaging tape, featuring, well, screwheads. If you’ve always dreamed of having walls with screws on the outside, here’s your chance. Of course, by “here”, I really mean “last year”, since it’s been out for a while.

[Screwhead Tape] VIA [Geisha Aesobi Blog]

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