Tuesday, May 7, 2024
By David Ponce Looks like Nokia is trying to ride the widget gravy train, and it's calling its initiative Widsets. They're basically widgets for your mobile. Like its PC and Mac counterparts, Widsets are tiny apps that enable to...
By David Ponce A few days ago, we brought you news of TopDesk 1.4, a great piece of software that reproduced on Win XP the nifty "Expose" functionality found on OSX. For those of you who only rarely come...

By David Ponce When was the last time you actually read an entire "End User Agreement"? Hell, do you realize just how much that exposes you to get screwed by The Man? How much abusive language, like "You...

By Andrew Liszewski I'm still impressed at the number of printed newspapers still in existence given the ability of every other medium from radio to TV to the internet to deliver the news as it happens. In an obvious attempt to...

Reading a book on your cellphone sucks. The screen's so small, you have to continually scroll... and well, you'd have to be a tard to enjoy doing it. Well, things might change with RSVP (rapid serial visual...

By David Ponce I've never considered brewing my own beer. The thought of it alone invokes images of bursting beakers and malted mayhem. Of course, it's not that complicated, I'm just that much of a klutz. The process...
By David Ponce So, it's nothing new. Internet Explorer is the next best thing to fermented cabbage rolls. Strangely, a huge amount of people still use it. I know by saying this, I've probably offended a few....

By John Hey there Mr. Dj. Wanna mix, but you dropped out of Dj school? You're rhythmically impaired? Fear not, there's freeware to the rescue. With MixMeister BPM Analyzer, you can easily determine the Beats Per Minute (BPM)...
By Andrew Liszewski Well here's a simple yet impressive piece of software. PrinterAnywhere allows you to print a document on other people's printers anywhere in the world as easily as it is on a locally connected one. The only real...