Sony BRAVIA Paint Ad

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Sony BRAVIA Paint Ad (Image courtesy Sony)
By Andrew Liszewski

Odds are if you follow any kind of gadget or design blog you’ve probably seen the occasional behind-the-scenes shot of this commercial in the making. Well it’s finally complete and available online as a nice big Quicktime file. (There’s probaby a YouTube version out there but this deserves to be seen with less compression.)

Directed by the award-winning Jonathan Glazer the ad took 10 days and 250 people to prep and shoot. The paint had to be delivered in 1 tonne trucks and was mixed on-site by a dedicated team of 20 people. Even more impressive was the cleanup which only took 60 people about 5 days to do thanks to a special water-based paint that was easy to scrape off once it had dried. Keep in mind everything seen in this ad was done practically with no digital effects. One thing’s for sure, Sony still knows how to get noticed when it comes to advertising.

Watch the Sony BRAVIA Paint Ad here…

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