By Shane McGlaun
I am a big fan of Spore. The game is way cool and very original. I have spent lots of time playing it on the PC and begin able to grow your own creature from a single cell organism into an intergalactic civilization is too cool.
EA has announced that since the Spore Creature Creator launched in June of 2008 players have created and up loaded about 100 million creations. Out of that massive number, EA says that 31,017,761 of them are creatures. That means that the Spore universe has about 19 times as many creatures as the Earth. At least until we find the cave entrance into the dinosaur realm in the center of the Earth, obviously.
EA is also getting ready to launch an official expansion pack to the Spore game for PC and Mac called Spore Galactic Adventures on June 23. New games for the Wii and Nintendo DS will also be released. The Wii game is Spore Hero and the DS game is called Spore Hero Arena. The Wii and DS titles will launch this fall.
[ Spore ]