By David Ponce
This looks like a fun, mock-exercise-filled little fad. Since the Nike + iPod business (in case you’re not aware, it’s a special setup that allows your shoes to talk to your iPod and assist you in your jog), companies have been plopping devices left and right that either replicate, emulate or are somehow inspired by the Apple/Nike deal. Seems, all of a sudden, keeping precise quantitative metrics about your jog is a very important thing to do. And now, the latest to jump on the bandwagon is SportsDo.
This one’s strictly software though. It’ll work on any Windows Mobile, or Java enabled phone (sorry, no Palm) with GPS functionality. It doesn’t matter how you get your GPS data, be it from an internal module, or from a Bluetooth connected external GPS unit. And what it does is keep track of where you went, how many calories you likely spent, how fast you went, etc. It even gives you a Google map so you can see exactly the path you’ve taken, in the context of your city.
The best part is that, for now at least, it’s a free download.
[SportsDo] VIA [Crunchgear]