By David Ponce

Ah… cheating. You gotta love it. There’d be a lot less college graduates without it, let me tell you that. Now, if only invigilators were not so strict and rigorous, we wouldn’t need products like The Baller (Cheating) Pen.

Each $8 pen contains a 6.5 inch retractable erasable sheet which can be marked with pencils, washable felt tips etc.


So, the link doesn’t work as of writing, so, you know, be patient or something. In any case, here it is again: Baller Pen.


  1. I cannot believe it! Living in South Africa, you get to see quite a bit. But seeing this product up on OhGizmo, and less than a week later it’s being sold on the streets at traffic lights in Johannesburg is quite impressive.
    These street hawkers over here must have there eyes on OhGizmo for products to sell.
    Just fantastic!

  2. Lame.
    Do this instead. Get a dissapearing ink pen when your writting the test get blank paper like your allowed to rewrite the test then fill out the first page with the dissapearing ink pen in the last 10 minutes of the test hand it in, make it look memorable so she/he remembers you handed it in…go home fill out the test you copied read it over and over skip next day of school come back keep reading it till test is given back yours wont be there she will make u take a test at lunch and you know all the answers THE CHEAT THAT DOSNT CHEAT YOURSELF by MKW