The ReGen, A Self-Charging Yo-Yo MP3 Player

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regen mp3 player

By David Ponce

Some time ago, Popular Science, in collaboration with Core77 organized a design competition called Human Powered, which sought to design products which harnessed human energy to power themselves. The winners were Chris Aimone et Tomek Bartczak for their design of the ReGen, an MP3 player that doubles as an electricity-generating Yo-Yo. Simply toss the player 10 to 12 times every hour, and it’ll stay fully charged.

If ever developed, the designers envision it coming with 512MB of memory, as well as Bluetooth headsets so you won’t run into any tangle issues when “recharging” it. Song and artist information would be displayed on an LCD screen, on the face of the player.

The competition was for the development of a concept only, so there doesn’t seem to be any concrete plans to commercialize this device any time soon.

[ReGen Yo-Yo MP3 Player] VIA [TechEBlog]

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