USB Drink Cooler/Warmer

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Chris Scott Barr Avatar


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By Bruce Eaton

Finally, after a flurry of very un-useful devices comes one I actually want to get: the USB Drink Cooler/Warmer from Thanko. You can just plug it into your USB port and enjoy a refreshing cool can of soda. If it happens that you work in a cold office, switch it to heat, insert your tall coffee cup and it will stay toasty warm. And it is simple to operate as it has 3 settings, Cold/Warm/Off. So no messing up and easy enough for kids to use.

There isn’t much else to be said about this device, which is a shame considering it has some real potential. It comes in at $50 but most desktop coffee warmers are about $15 and they do not cool or operate via your computers USB port.

[USB Drink Cooler/Warmer] VIA [Akihabara News]

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