Wordy Birdy Speech Trainer

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Joel Williams Avatar


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Wordy Birdy Speech Trainer (Image courtesy Coolest-Gadgets)

You know sometimes I really feel bad for pets. You’ll never convince me your dog enjoys wearing that fancy coat you’ve got strapped on them. You see all that fur? That’s like a natural coat, the animal doesn’t need your help. Apparently pet birds have their own issues to deal with as well.

The Wordy Birdy is a digital speech trainer that basically records your voice saying whatever you want your bird to learn. Then a simple push of the button will cause the Wordy Birdy to repeat your words or phrases over and over again at an interval of 30 seconds up to 20 minutes until you decide the bird has had enough. If they ever remake that movie ‘The Birds’ this device will be used as the catalyst causing our fine feathered friends to turn on us, mark my words.

The Wordy Birdy is available from ‘That Pet Place’ for $21.99.

[Wordy Birday Speech Trainer] VIA [Coolest-Gadgets]

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