You Sunk My Battleship! – Literally

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The Australian Battle Group (Image courtesy AusBG website)
By Andrew Liszewski

Oh how cool is this?! It seems the Australians really know how to combine violence and fun (remember Thunderdome?) and have even made something as dull as historic boat modelling seem like the greatest hobby ever.

The Australian Battle Group Club puts a lot of time and attention into their detailed models of famous WWI and WWII battleships, but they go one step further and add working Co2 powered cannons and balsa wood armor. These fully remote control models are then taken out onto lakes and ponds (and of course billabongs) where they actually battle it out. The cannons are powerful enough to punch holes in each others hull and the first vessel to sink or flee loses the mock war.

[Australian Battle Group] VIA [MAKE: Blog]

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