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    Motorola Endeavor HX1 Bluetooth Headset Announced

    Shane McGlaun Avatar

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    By Shane McGlaun

    A few weeks back I bought a new car. I figured my kids were old enough that they only need booster seats, so I would go ahead and get the convertible Mustang GT with a 5-speed. The problem is that you can’t drive the car and talk on the phone in traffic and most of the Bluetooth headsets I have tried don’t work with the top down at highway speeds.

    Motorola has announced a new Bluetooth headset called the Endeavor HX1 that promises to allow the user to talk and be heard in even the most extreme environment. I think the top down at 70mph on the highway is pretty extreme as far as wind noise goes.

    Motorola uses its CrystalTalk noise cancellation technology in the headset along with a stealth mode that activates bone conduction technology. The bone conduction tech picks up your voice by sensing the vibrations in your bones rather than using a mic. Sounds like just what I need for the convertible or any hurricane I may get caught in.

    [ Motorola ]

    3 responses to “Post Title”

    1. mcman Avatar

      So, you're one of those wonderful people that think that they of all people can drive and talk on a phone without being distracted. I wish there were more of you out there to disrupt everyone else on the road.

      Mustang GT, Pfft! That's original!

    2. Shane_McGlaun Avatar

      Yes. Yes I am.

      Are you one of those wonderful people who thinks everyone else is as incapable of multitasking as they are? As for originality, I buy what I like and I like cars with some power. You are welcome to your Prius, in fact I invite you to buy one. My Mustang needs your gas. 🙂

    3. mcman Avatar

      It was a joke Mustang boy. Now go and get another tattoo and don't forget to stop by Starbucks on the way.

      By the way: I drive a 2008 Hummer H3.

    4. Shane_McGlaun Avatar

      Lol, you need the gas more than I do. 🙂

    5. mcman Avatar

      Have a great day!

    6. Shane_McGlaun Avatar

      Yes. Yes I am.

      Are you one of those wonderful people who thinks everyone else is as incapable of multitasking as they are? As for originality, I buy what I like and I like cars with some power. You are welcome to your Prius, in fact I invite you to buy one. My Mustang needs your gas. 🙂

    7. mcman Avatar

      It was a joke Mustang boy. Now go and get another tattoo and don't forget to stop by Starbucks on the way.

      By the way: I drive a 2008 Hummer H3.

    8. Shane_McGlaun Avatar

      Lol, you need the gas more than I do. 🙂

    9. mcman Avatar

      Have a great day!