Saturday, April 27, 2024

By David Ponce Some of the more adventurous computer-bound urbanites actually like get up sometimes, and travel. Such travel will sometimes take you to harshly inhospitable places. Places that may, for instance, have no hangers handy for you...

Story by Asim Waqar So you are building that extension and want it to have that cool factor that you yourself were never able to achieve. Personally I would recommend American Clay for the walls (I did that!), but I...
By David Ponce Your body is not all created equal. Your stinking armpits get a lot hotter than, say, your kneecap, which in turn is likely to idle at a different temperature than your groin or your chest. ...
By David Ponce We like poop. Makes us laugh. If you want to buy a little elephant or a little donkey that poops cigarettes, you can do so for $15 right here. Story VIA Strange New Products.

By David Ponce Oh, to feel like an ancient Greek tethered to the present by an adamantine cord of progress and innovation... Aw crap, I've been hanging around with the wrong crowd. A poetry convention was in town,...

By Stephanie. Perfect for that spot by your front door, the MultiPot provides you with a spot to drop your keys and your gadgets, while hiding all those ugly cables and chargers. The cable winder inside holds the cords...

By David Ponce It's pretty amazing what you can do with a laser and 254 cut and glued plywood layers. Designer Mathias Bengsston says:This arm chair explores the process of sculpting a 3-D form to produce furniture from a...

By David Ponce You know, the nice thing about having a website, is you get to talk about whatever the hell you feel like. No one tells you what to do. For instance, I have the freedom to...