Thursday, May 2, 2024
By Chris Scott Barr If you spend most of your workday at a computer like I do, then you'll want to make sure you're as comfortable as possible. A comfortable chair, a nice big monitor to look at and a...

By Evan Ackerman Unlike the ambiguously betentacled USB sea creatures we've seen before, this is most definitely a USB squid, and not a cuttlefish. Nifer Fahrion makes each DataSquid by hand out of wool, and endows them with USB data...
By Productdose Staff Sure, all you Readymade readers out there undoubtedly know how to make your own wallets out of household junk. But you have to admit that the stuff you make never lasts that long before falling apart. Maybe...

By Chris Scott Barr It seems like everyone and their brother has designed a clock of some sort. I can't go more than a couple of days without seeing a new one popping up somewhere, so I usually try to...

By David Ponce Well, calling it a Rolodex is maybe a bit of a stretch, in the sense that it doesn't really keep track of all your contacts, and doesn't sit on your desk trying to make you look important....

By David Ponce When your hardware's expired its last breath, you can take the lazy way out, and give it a new home in your local landfill. Or, you can get creative, and artsy, and have your stuff displayed...

By Andrew Liszewski While not a gizmo or gadget per se we here at OhGizmo still appreciate a unique bit of design when we see it. And these throw rugs modelled after manhole covers from large metropolitan cities definitely fall...

By Andrew Liszewski Nintendo sent over a DSi review unit for me to give a once over, and I've finally gotten around to processing and posting my photos comparing the new model to the older DS Lite. Overall it's...

By Andrew Liszewski Unless you have a green thumb, rainy days are typically an unwelcome event. In addition to trying to keep your headphones, iPod and cellphone relatively dry, you also have to deal with uninspiring grey clouds. The Sky Umbrella,...