Kenwood Releases USB Mass Storage Compatible Car Radios

David Ponce Avatar

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By David Ponce

It’s getting considerably easier to access your digital music collection from your car’s audio system. Whether it be the car manufacturers themselves, or third party automotive sound system makers, you are now able to either play MP3 CDs, plug your iPod directly and access its controls, or even use flash based memory cards preloaded with your music. And in what may be the best option yet, Kenwood is releasing four car radio models that allow you to connect any USB drive and access all your music goodness.

Four 1-DIN models KDC-W534UA, KDC-W5534U, KDC-W6534U and KDC-W7534U feature a USB cable connection on the rearside. While 2-DIN models, the DPX501U and DPX701U, both feature a USB connection at the front.

Presumably, the rear connected models would allow for some badass embedded customization. I’m thinking 250GB drive in the glove box, connected with a Scythe Kama Connect and a cheap power inverter to power the drive. It would be relatively cheap to make, and you’d have a quarter terabyte worth of music at your fingertips.

There’s no word on pricing or availability yet.

[Pocket Lint Article] VIA [NewLaunches]

3 responses to “Post Title”

  1. Kenwood USB Compatable Car Stereos…

    Let’s face it, no matter where you live, the radio always sucks.
    Unfortunately, true mp3 player integration with car stereos and other third party solutions haven’t quite got off the ground yet. Still, it won’t be long before we will…

  2. Jodi Avatar

    I was thinking last night how cool it would be to have a usb slot (for flash thumb drives) to a portable dvd player. But they should just have a hard drive in the portable dvd player then huh. Hmmmm….

  3. Kenwood Lan?a R?dio com USB para Carros…

    Cada dia fica mais f?cil acessar sua cole??o de m?sicas no seu sistema de som do carro. Muitos carros j? vem com a solu??o pronta de f?brica, e ? muito f?cil ouvir seus Cds MP3, ligar seu iPod diretamente……

  4. AndroidReplica Avatar

    I want this. My life would be complete and I could drive into a glorious sunset, leaving everyone else behind to tell my story in song.