National Geographic Teams Up with Cellular Abroad for Travel Phone

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By Shane McGlaun

Despite the swine flu, there are still lots of people who have to travel internationally for business or even for fun. I can understand, I wouldn’t let some pork disease keep me from working or going on that vacation to Italy.

An even bigger problem for travelers than swine flu is the fact that most of our mobile phones won’t work in other countries. National Geographic has teamed up with a company called Cellular Abroad to offer a new travel phone called the Duet. The phone can be pared with a pre-paid international SIM card from National Geographic or another international SIM the user already has.

The phone has a second SIM card slot that will allow it to use another service. You could cram your U.S. SIM card into the phone and only need one device, assuming your service is compatible. The phone and the SIM card with 30 minutes of talk time good in most countries sells for $199. The phone also comes loaded with National Geographic content like wallpapers and ringtones.

[ Cellular Abroad ]

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