Tuesday, April 30, 2024
Online Services

Online Services

By Evan Ackerman A while back we wrote about PixelLetter, a service which takes your digital documents and turns them into physical mail and sends them off for you. Earth Class Mail is a service that does the same thing,...
By David Ponce If you're above 15 years of age, you probably remember ASCII art. I, for one, was convinced that there were people with tremendous amounts of free time on their hands, who spent countless hours pecking away...
By David Ponce There are a lot of websites out there dedicated to measuring just how fast your Internet tubes can pump data. We recently came about Speedtest.net, which we feel does a very nice job of it. ...
By David Ponce They say a penny saved is a penny earned. And certainly startup Frucall would like for you to remember as much, seeing as they allow you "to be frugal just by making a call". When...
By David Ponce The real Top Story? Come on! Windows Vista's in store. Go spend some money. Now, let's just start by saying this isn't, for once, about VoIP. This is about ridiculous regulatory loopholes,...
By David Ponce Yesterday, we showed you Blinkx, a video searching site that allows you to search videos according to their descriptions and associated tags, and to display the results in an embeddable wall of thumbnailed clips. It looks...
By David Ponce If you're at work right now, you'll have to thank us for pointing you to a wickedly hard, yet strangely compelling sidescroller. If you're like us, you're likely to waste a good chunk of time on...
By David Ponce We figure that many of you faithful readers have some gadgets lying around, and are also willing to barter your souls for money... to buy some more gadgets, natch. Well, my friends, save your souls for...

By David Ponce Tourists can be a pesky bunch. They're always milling about, pointing at things, looking somewhat lost, and most importantly, getting in the way of you taking a nice clean tourist-free shot of that special landmark. ...