Saturday, April 20, 2024
Qwerty? Who the hell needs qwerty? Never mind that you've been typing this way forever. Forget the fact that this 130 year old layout is now seared in your mind as clearly as the imprint on...
I think it's sort of strange that we've seen two lawnmower innovations in the last week. First there's the automatic lawn mower robot and now there's a hovercraft/mower... Treachery's afoot! Or not. This little beast, made by Eastman Industries,...

By David Ponce Got a little cousin someplace that annoys the crap out of you? Send a subtle message with this great mod: a teddy bear USB drive, with a removable head. When in use, it looks like...
Hitachi has rolled out a few external hard drives that boast business class speed in a consumer form factor. While not as sleek as some other available externals, the Hitachi Touro 3TB USB 3.0 is big enough and...
Notebooks win over desktop PCs on every almost activity save very specific areas. The biggest of which are gaming and sound, both for pretty much the same reason. Sacrifices must be made for the sake of portability and...
Story by Brian Donaldson I know you've always wanted to be able to watch television on the go. Who wouldn't? Well, this 7 inch widescreen LCD portable television from Trinity might just be what you're looking for. You'll...
This is a very interesting videoconferencing camera from Logitech. The nice part, is that it comes with a headset that's connected with bluetooth, leaving you free to walk around the room to make your presentation, or uh... whatever...
By Evan Ackerman Even though the RoboDevelopment Conference was primarily about, well, robots, there was a lot of potential crossover technology that has huge applications for consumer electronics. One of the most impressive of these that I saw was the...
You roll it up. Not just a little, like other somewhat flexible things, but really rolly. It's waterproof. You can put it anywhere. It feeds on sun. It charges your gadgets. It's from...