Thursday, July 25, 2024
By David Ponce The thing about gunpowder is that: 1) It takes up quite a bit of space. Space that could otherwise be used up by yet more ammo. 2) It's darn messy, loud and inelegant. Why, it would...
By Evan Ackerman Virgin Galactic, the company that successfully launched SpaceShipOne (with Scaled Composites) and is working on SpaceShipTwo (for which you can now book a 2009 flight at $200,000 a person, round trip of course), has entered into a...
By Andrew Liszewski It seems Research in Motion, the company behind the ridiculously popular Blackberry is working on a clever new feature for future versions of their phones that will essentially make the devices aware of where they are. And...
By David Ponce Microsoft has an IP Ventures program through which they licence some of the technology they create to third parties, so they can further develop them. One such technology is called Touchlight, and has been around for...

By Bruce Eaton Having grown up on the gulf coast of Florida, water sports is very near and dear to me. Boogie boarding, wake boarding, Hydrofoil Water Scooter humping on the bay... wait a minute?! Through Hammacher Schlemmer, they sell...
By David Ponce We've met our share of treehuggers, and while they seem like nice enough people, we just don't share their enthusiasm for tying ourselves to trees and such. Instead, we contribute to our planet's well being by...
By David Ponce Any sort of technology that uses precisely aligned, intersecting infrared lasers to create small amounts of plasma tends to worry us a little, seeing as plasma is, well, quite hot. That hasn't stopped the folks at...

By Ryan Nill Developed for Homeland Security, this brand new flashlight uses a series of oscillating LEDs to induce nausea and eventual vomiting. It is designed by Intelligent Optical Systems as part of a push for nonlethal weaponry. The flashlight...
By David Edney This is the ultimate remote control. The Monster AVL-300 can do it all. It is a fully programmable home theater remote control with an LCD screen. The remote is software based so you plug...

By Andrew Liszewski The handSteady cup holder was designed by Chris Peacock to allow persons suffering from uncontrollable hand tremors to drink from a glass without the fear of spilling or dropping it as a result of their condition. The...