Wednesday, May 1, 2024
Blog Page 11

This iPhone Case Moonlights As A Lint Brush

Just when you thought every possible iPhone case has been invented, someone goes and does this.

Startup company, Stitched Products, has just announced their first product that they plan to fund through Indiegogo, an iPhone case than can be used to pick up stray hair and lint. Just when you thought you’d seen it all.

The company claims that the odd fabric attracts lint and hair, and even shows the case being used to clean off a linty black shirt in their pitch video. They even claim that it’s easy to clean the case itself and it doesn’t leave any residue like a traditional sticky lint roller.

This is such a weird product, but I kind of want it to be real. I find myself getting covered in lint all the time and it’s a real problem, I can’t count how many times I’ve been on a date and a girl crawls her way to safety through the bathroom window. I assume it’s because of my linty shirt, because it couldn’t possibly be my personality.

Anyway, they’re about halfway to their goal on Indiegogo, and early-bird cases go for $25 (which there are still plenty of).

[ Indiegogo ]

SIXOVERONE Is a Bottle Opener That Can Open 6 Beers At Once


How many beers can you open at once? One, maybe two? What are you, a sucker? Think about all the valuable minutes of your life your wasting by opening one beer at a time. You could be using that time to spend with family, or reading more OhGizmo!.

Thankfully, someone made a beer opener that’s the size of a pizza peel (that’s the actual name of that large paddle they use for pizza, who knew?), that can open up to six beers at once. It’s called the SIXOVERONE and It’s designed to fit a standard six-pack of bottles, so you can have your buds ready before anyone has time to second-guess that next beer.

It’s a cool idea, but I’m just not sure how well a stamped piece of metal can hold up against six under-pressure bottles of beer, like from a physics standpoint. Of course, I don’t know how much force is required to remove a bottlecap and whether the force required grows exponentially as the number of bottlecaps increases.

Available on Kickstarter for $25. But seriously, it’s called a pizza peel? All my life I’ve been calling it a paddle.

Hit the jump for more glamour shots of the SIXOVERONE. (BTW, they have better product shots than 90% of the products I see.)

B.E. is A Powered Brush That Uses No Electricity With One Major Flaw

Look, I know that powering your toothbrush is a problem that has never crossed your mind, but stick with me here and I’ll get us through this. I’ll crack some jokes, it’ll be great.

Imagine a toothbrush with a rotating head for a deeper clean, that never uses electricity. Sounds too amazing to be true? Well, don’t call me a liar, and check out the B.E. toothbrush. It’s a powered toothbrush that converts kinetic energy to its brushing head to become a powered brush.

You power it by rotating the base dial of the unit, which stores the wound-up energy and converts it into its rotating brush head. Just like a wind-up toy car! Simply rotate the dial before each use and the B.E. brush gives you 2 minutes of teeth-cleaning action. You can even switch off the mechanism and save that kinetic energy for its next use, like rollover minutes for your cellphone.

One thing to note is that the mechanism can only support up to 120g of force against it, which sounds rather light to be honest. They sort-of promote it as a feature to stop you from brushing too hard, but’s its more likely a limitation of the mechanism. So press just a bit too hard and the brush won’t move. Honestly, that’s kind of deal breaker when you’re talking about a $99 toothbrush.

Anyway, it’s available on Kickstarter starting at $49 for the early birds, and moving up to $89 and $99 for everyone else. Though this is one campaign that has limited availability on all tiers.

KickStarter ]

Star Wars ‘Star Destroyer’ Ring is Probably Not For The Financially Responsible

How much do you love Star Wars, a lot? Enough to buy a $450 ring designed to look like a Star Destroyer? Because that’s what is offering to the biggest and least fiscally responsible Star Wars fans.

I have to say, the ring actually looks really great, and it’s available in combos of Sterling Silver/Cubic Zirconia all the way up to 14k White Gold/Diamonds.

You’d have to be a serious fan to want to spend this much on a piece of Star Wars jewelry though. Like, ‘I know all the words to the original trilogy’ serious. Or, ‘I only watch the movies on original VHS, because it doesn’t have any special effects added’ serious. Or even, ‘I’ve sent death threats to George Lucas over his handling of Jar-Jar Binks, and last year I was convicted of felony harassment, but had my sentence lessened because I cried like hell and told the judge I was super sorry’, serious.

Cool ring though.

[ ]

Muse is An Echo Dot Designed For Your Car

Want to bring Alexa into your car, of course you do. You could buy that Garmin Speak for $150 that we wrote about last month, but honestly it would just be cheaper to slap a Amazon Dot in your car. Well, apparently another company figured this out as Speak Music, a San Jose based company, have just announced the Muse, a $49 Dot for your car. Genius.

It works like a regular Dot, though it’s ergonomically designed for use in the car, and ships with a car charging cable. And like its land-based sibling, Alexa can either be activated though a tap of the button or saying ‘Alexa’. Though, do they really expect Alexa to pick up my voice when I’m blasting the Spice Girls at full volume?

The Muse seems like a no-brainer for anyone who enjoys the Alexa Assistant, as it brings the full power of the service right to your car with no compromises. Those interested can pre-order the Muse now for pre-holiday delivery at $49.

Seems like a winner, but, and I’m dead serious here, hit the jump to watch the worst acted video of all-time.

Chain Chomp Lamp For The Super Mario Fan In Your Life

Remember World 1 on Super Mario 64? Bob-Omb Battlefield? Man, when I was a kid, I used to be so afraid of the Chain-Chomp that would jump at you and make that barking noise, those were the days.

Anyway, relive those memories with the Chain-Chomp desktop lamp. Its adjustable head will allow some degree of movement, though the chain itself doesn’t move as it’s welded steel. The lamp also has a 60 lumens LED, which’ll light up that last-minute homework with much more natural light than a traditional lamp. “Wow, I can really see my procrastination.”

The Chain Chomp Lamp is available for $50, and will begin shipping in mid-December.

[ ThinkGeek ]

The Key Armory Has Keys Modeled After Famous Swords

If you’ve ever dreamed about owning your own house so that you could get a house key in the shape of the Legend of Zelda’s Master Sword or Kingdom Hearts’ Keyblade than…maybe you should aim higher. But, I suppose you’re in luck as now as that oddly-easily fulfilled dream can become an reality.

The Key Armory sells blank keys that look like you’re favorite video game swords. You have the ‘Hero’s Sword’ or the ‘Kingdom Key’ *wink wink*, as well as plenty of other great designs that will have you hiding your keys in embarrassment everytime you visit your family.

Some of the designs are great and they’re super cheap at only about $12 per blank key. Check them out.

The Key Armory ]

Tongue-in-Cheek Grammar Book is For The Grammar Nazi In Your Life

Tongue-in-cheek sounds like it’d leave a bad taste in your mouth.

We’ve all had those moments where we don’t know how to use proper grammar. Hell, I’d say every single semicolon I’ve ever used has been a complete shot-in-the-dark. But now there’s a book that’ll take your hand and guide you though the do’s and don’ts of grammar.

It’s called ‘Know Your S**t or Know You’re S**t’ and sure, you could get it for yourself to try and improve your grammar, but let’s be honest, this is the book that you get for that friend that won’t stop correcting you.

“Oh God Derek, I could care less about the new iPhone.”

“That means you do care, at least a little.”

The book is available on Amazon for $12, though you could always just find a new Derek.

Amazon ]

Spotify Will Soon Start Selling Makeup

It seems like Spotify is trying to make a little extra dough on the side, as they’re expanding their platform to offer a makeup selection that will be offered on artist Maggie Lindemann’s Spotify page.

Now, Spotify has been allowing artists to connect with their service called Merchbar in order to sell things like posters and band tees, but this is the first time Spotify has allowed an artist to expand beyond that.

What’s next? Is Lady Gaga going to start selling cuts of beef from her dresses, or maybe Taylor Swift is going to sell the posters of Kanye that she been using as dart boards? These are slippery slopes, my friends.

The collection will be available from November 17th, and prices will range from ~$21 for lipsticks to ~$125 for full face palettes.

TheVerge ]