Saturday, May 18, 2024

By David Ponce Just a quick heads-up to let you know that my second article is up on Federated Media's Holiday Gadget Guide. This time, I wrote about Tokyoflash watches. For those of you that somehow aren't already...

So that's it then. We come in to OhGizmo headquarters, only to find this little monkey in a corner, smoking a cigarette with a smug look on his face. At first, we just stare each other down,...

Though some of you might have heard mumblings to this effect before, this time around, it's set in stone: things are a-changin' at OhGizmo! The most exciting of these changes (aside from our Vista-inspired constantly postponed redesign that's...
To call it a "launch" is maybe a bit of an exaggeration; we're really just starting a new category, and we're going to run it for a while to see how it goes. Every day (or so), we're...
By David Ponce It's time for a giveaway! Some of the more observant among you noticed something was up. Others went about their life, blissfully unaware than anything was cooking. Yet, for the last week, we've been...

By David Ponce Well, Hell, and everything. We did it! After years (literally), we've re-launched OhGizmo! RSS peeps, come on down and tell us what you think. We think it looks kind of nice, and we...

By David Ponce Hey guys, just a little reminder to y'all that there's a contest going on here, where you can win a really great watch from Tokyoflash. The contest closes on Dec. 31, so hurry up and...
By David Ponce Robots are cool. One day, they'll wipe our bums and serve us martinis while we laze away on some beach; countless cybernetic minions hacking away at our menial tasks. Or they'll enslave us all. ...

By David Ponce So, thanks to Jordan from, I've turned on http gzip compression on the site. Seems that's going to save me a truckload of bandwidth. And that's always a good thing. The bad thing is, I'm...