Saturday, May 4, 2024
For long audio sessions in the studio or on the go, you can rely on these Audio-Technica Professional Studio Monitor Headphones. Its performance was acclaimed by top audio engineers. Those 45 mm large-aperture drivers just do the job so...
Remember World 1 on Super Mario 64? Bob-Omb Battlefield? Man, when I was a kid, I used to be so afraid of the Chain-Chomp that would jump at you and make that barking noise, those were the days. Anyway, relive...

By David Ponce If you want to own a bunker, and you absolutely must have it above ground... then you're going to have to live with the fact that it should look like a UFO from a 50s B-movie, and...

I like the mirror. I especially like the name of the company manufacturing it. There's not much to actually say about item, really. It's a mirror, with embedded LED, that displays anything you like, with "special...

By David Ponce It's just a simple alarm clock/radio with a twist in the user interface. Instead of your usual knobs or buttons, you select your (previously programmed) station by moving a magnetized ball around. Each one of...
This one is really neat. It's a clock, and it actually tells the time. But you have to learn to read it. And if you don't know how, then it's just a piece of modern art....
By Evan Ackerman Do you ever feel as though your refrigerator is lacking something, but you just can't put your finger on it? Never worry about it ever again by setting yourself up with the Cooltone mini fridge, which has...
By Evan Ackerman I live and work in Napa Valley during wine season, but I'm the first to admit that I haven't a clue about wine. That is, I'm the first to admit it privately (like now). In public, I'll...

By Andrew Liszewski High-tech looking gadgets don't have to be limited to your workdesk or entertainment center. Case in point check out the Garden Groom hedge trimmer. Originally released in the UK a couple of years ago it became a...