Thursday, July 25, 2024
Portable Media Players

Portable Media Players

by David Edney 3 Group, a wireless company in Europe, announced on Thursday that they will be launching a new service in Britain for Cable TV on mobile phones. Using the Slingbox technology you will be able to watch,...
By David Ponce It's not often we get our panties up in a bunch over an MP3 player these days. Let's face it, aside from memory upgrades and different designs, we've just about seen every (useful) feature crammed into...
By David Ponce Well, it's a bit of a stretch for a headline, but hear us out. The guys at CrunchGear are hitting the rumor mill with news that the upcoming Microsoft Zune will come with a very interesting...
By David Ponce The Skardin HT-250 PMP is another random, token PMP from over the pond, but it's also one that raises an interesting question. With flash memory card sizes reaching the 4GBs, and prices dropping, is it better...
By David Ponce Since the whole point of the article I'm linking to at the bottom is to show you pictures, I'm not going to steal the guy's thunder and copy all his images to put right here on OhGizmo....
By David Ponce We recently discovered that a fair amount of you use us as a primary source for gadget news. Who'd-a thunk? So, we'd be really sad if you didn't end up finding out about Microsoft's Zune....
By David Ponce We don't condone praying; it hurts the knees and rarely yields measurable results that can't otherwise be attributed to luck or misfortune. That said, when we read about the IPS-11G, we started praying, and as of...
By David Ponce It was only a matter of time until the LED belt buckles evolved to become full-fledged video playing belt buckles. And, it looks like Egokast was the first to get there. The company sells a...
By David Ponce The PR folk at GPX2, from Gamepark Holdings, must be doing a fine job, because the interweb is ablaze with news of the gaming console. Which is somewhat strange, given that we've known about it for...
By David Ponce The iDea Wireless Home Dock for the iPod and PSP actually sounds like a product I'd like to own. It allows you to dock, simultaneously, any iPod, and your PSP, and an MP3 player and a...