Friday, May 17, 2024

By David Ponce Far be it from us to suggest that technological advances might be doing too good of a job in replacing humans at whatever it is humans do. We envision a future where our days are filled...

By David Ponce It looks like Japanese company DID (although, strangely, they've registered a Belize domain name...) took an I-Tech virtual laser keyboard, fiddled with the software, and got it to project a piano, instead of a keyboard. From...

By Andrew Liszewski Here's a simple set of compact speakers from Sony that can also function wirelessly allowing you to listen to your music anywhere within a 150 foot range of the base transmitter. The speakers are powered by a...

By Andrew Liszewski Soundbombs are designed to be a sort of non-visual graffiti for artists who have lost their inspiration with the spray can. The small spherical device has two speakers on the outside capable of recording and playing back...
By David Ponce The cream of the crop of in-ear monitors (fancyspeak for headphones, it seems), according to many, come from Shure. And if we go by the asking price of their latest offering, they better darn well be....

By David Ponce Drowning out your annoying co-workers by playing some white noise is fine and dandy, but what do you do about the bass coming from your neighbor at 3am? Typical white noise doesn't do squat with bass,...

By Andrew Liszewski Just riding a bike in a busy city is dangerous enough but riding while not being able to hear the cars, buses, people and hundreds of other obstacles is downright suicidal. But I still see plenty of...

By Andrew Liszewski There are currently a lot of flash memory-based portable recorders out there but for the most part their convenient, compact size also means they usually rely on a built-in compact microphone. So anytime you want to record...

By David Ponce We're guessing the funky name is a hybrid of nirvana and auricular, and if that's the case, that's a lofty goal. The Aurvana's from Creative are their reasonably priced response to Shure's E2cs. These in-ear...