Friday, July 26, 2024

By Colin Ackerman The Honda FCX Clarity may have been the star of the LA Auto Show when it came to new fuel innovation that anyone normal (i.e. not a millionaire) has the potential to get their hands on in...
By Evan Ackerman Hybrids are the current consumer automotive buzzword when it comes to fuel efficiency, and they were everywhere at the 2007 LA Auto Show. So, I'm not really going to talk about them, because we're looking forward, to...
By Evan Ackerman After a brutal day in assorted airports, I finally made it to the 2007 LA Auto Show this evening. I managed to sneak a few pics in before closing, and I'll be there all day tomorrow. Now,...
By David Ponce For what it's worth, you gotta give it to GM for getting their feet wet in the green sector. They're doing a pretty good job too, what with the 2008 Saturn Vue Green Line SUV receiving...
By David Ponce When I got the email inviting me to Milford, Michigan to drive the 2008 GM lineup around, I thought it was a joke. But sure enough, it wasn't, and I'm happy to say, I haven't had...
By Evan Ackerman If you're in the market for an environmentally friendly car that looks like an anemic space fighter, the Aptera may be for you. Unlike most electric/hybrid cars with this sort of look, the Aptera is actually going...

By David Ponce I'm leaving this morning for Detroit. I was invited by GM to attend their 2008 Collections Event, at the Milford Proving Grounds. I (along with a bunch of other bloggers) will get to drive any...
By Evan Ackerman If you have James Bond ambitions, backed by an MI6-sized bankroll, this $50,000 watch is for you, since it'll lock, unlock, and even start your car. The watch works exclusively with the new Aston Martin DBS (featured...
By Evan Ackerman Imagine yourself in a sexy black 1993 Lincoln Mk 8. You've just snagged the last parking space in front of Starbuck's, but oh no, there's a Hummer parked on one side of you and (wait for it)...
By Evan Ackerman Time capsules are being buried all the time, but rarely do you hear of someone actually digging one up, much less one of the magnitude of what's buried beneath a sidewalk in Tulsa. Back in 1957, a...