Sunday, July 21, 2024
By David Ponce You know, if you want to drop a cool million on an exotic sportscar, you're more than welcome. The Veyron awaits. But you should know that all your money won't get you the fastest. ...
By Evan Ackerman Time capsules are being buried all the time, but rarely do you hear of someone actually digging one up, much less one of the magnitude of what's buried beneath a sidewalk in Tulsa. Back in 1957, a...
By David Ponce We never thought we'd see the day where tire manufacturers would target women with lavender scented candles. But that's what they did just a couple of weeks ago. Kumho recently announced the release of the...
By David Edney Once again the amphibious vehicle world has shown its face. The Suzuki Dutton S2, as it is called, crossed the English channel to France in 7 hours and 5 minutes. That's not as fast as...

By Andrew Liszewski Though completely impractical I don't think any car nut can look at this sofa and not want one for their own pad. Billed as a "unique piece of creative art" the sofa is designed to look like...
By Evan Ackerman Imagine yourself in a sexy black 1993 Lincoln Mk 8. You've just snagged the last parking space in front of Starbuck's, but oh no, there's a Hummer parked on one side of you and (wait for it)...

By David Ponce We're struggling a little bit between mechanical translations and personal Italian knowledge to extract information on this product. This is what we're getting: Snow Chain is a polymer liquid that you apply to your tires to...

By David Edney You pretty much can't buy an SUV or any car with a backseat without having a TV, a DVD player, and gaming devices installed. Of course, this makes hooking up your PS3 or Nintendo Wii to...

By David Edney It's finally here!! You can now have an Internet connection in your vehicle without rigging some monstrosity outside your window. TracNet, a system that allows passengers to access the Internet on a vehicle's video screens can...

By David Edney This car is by far the silliest thing I have ever seen on four wheels, if that is what they are even called on this thing. The Venturi Eclectic car claims it is the world's...