Sunday, May 12, 2024

Just a quick post intended to point out that in the fascinating world we live in, there's room for just about any product, just so long's it comes in a pretty package. Even pure gold staples. They're meant to...
So it's three AM. You went to bed shitfaced and now your stomach is telling you that it's divorcing from its contents. Getting to the toilet in the dark is probably suicide, unless you've installed this ingenious...

If you think I'm going to spend more than 34 words on coasters, you better think again. So yeah, they're really cute £10 sets of 2-male, 2-female, squished-head coasters, available here. Story VIA Ektopia.

There are quite a number of guys (and a few gals) out there who shave their own heads. I've always pictured their self-grooming efforts as awkward and painstaking, though presumably with years of practice, some may consider themselves...
You read that right. It's a fully functional engine, less than a foot tall, that runs on gas, or butane of propane, right on your desk. V-Twin engines can run at a lower speeds to due to combined...
Well, poncho is the first thing that came to my mind, though it's a real stretch. You really have to see the picture to get the idea. But lets for a moment ignore that it looks nothing...

Scientist Ernest Fehr and a Swiss team of his have recently finished a study that concludes that the feeling of trust can be artificially stimulated by the chemical "Oxytoxin". From the Nature articleOxytocin is a chemical that is...

For the do-it-yourselvers out there, 10$ will buy you a PDF version of plans that'll allow you to build your very own tabletop trebuchet. This model has a 12 inch long arm, is 14 inches from front to back, 6...

A lot of you work in offices. As you know, the office is nothing but a worldly representation of the Devil's Very Own Fiery Asshole. Which is why working in a an office can lead to all...