Wednesday, May 8, 2024

By David Ponce You gotta love how easy it is to fool a baby. Take the Babyplane as an example. And here's one more. You want to take his temperature without having to jam gently insert a traditional thermometer...

By - Chapman In case digital scales are too accurate for you, the good folks at Gadget Universe are offering up this Nostalgia Scale. "Hearken back to the days of yesteryear with an old-fashioned doctor's scale." The Nostalgia Scale doesn't have a...

Story By Asim Waqar What do you get when you give a team of mad scientists from Stanford University in California a laser, some vitamins and pimp out their laboratory so much so that they can manipulate matter at...

By Andrew Liszewski Radiation is a fact of life. It exists everywhere and is pretty much inescapable. Unless of course you choose to live out your days in a lead box. Otherwise if you're concerned about particularly high doses of...
It used to be that being Diabetic was synonymous with pricking your finger for blood on a regular basis. Not being Diabetic myself, I can totally understand the relief and glee that a device such as the Glucoband...
By David Ponce Being sick sucks. It's the bane of many of the elderly however, and sadly, there's less and less space for them in hospitals. They get sent home all the time, even when medical attention is...

By Andrew Liszewski Here I am feeling guilty for sitting at a computer all day and worrying about the inevitable carpal tunnel syndrome when it turns out that even those living an extreme lifestyle like off-road mountain bikers share the...
By David Ponce You can squirm around on your seat all day, resisting the nearly impossible urge to manually relieve the itching. You can apply creams and ointments and hope that it does something. And now, you can...
By David Ponce Heatstroke is a bad thing. Your brain overheats and gets all dead and stuff. I wouldn't wish it on anyone, and maybe now you can stave off death by brainmelt with this new technology from...