Thursday, May 2, 2024
If you're breaking your way through smart home living, this Echo Plus with built-in hub + Philips Hue Bulb is a nice item to start with. This combo lets you directly set up and control your smart lights, thermostats,...
Designer Jacob Jensen makes all sorts of very sleek looking things for the home. We've already covered one of his products, the designer doorbell. This time, it's a wireless phone equipped with DECT technology, which stands for (for those...

By David Ponce Something useful with Bluetooth. Who'da thunk? The Parrot CK3000 Evolution is a bluetooth enabled device that makes taking and making telephone calls in your car as easy as stealing candy from a baby. Essentially, the professional-installation-only...

By David Ponce Kids. If only they weren't so useful... So useful in fact, that they become quite precious to some. Now, while tying a little bell to your child's ankle might seem like a decent solution...
By David Ponce If you have a cameraphone that takes pictures that don't consistently look like ass, perhaps you'd like to purchase Parrot's Photo Viewer. What makes it special? It receives pictures via Bluetooth. This means that...
This is a very interesting videoconferencing camera from Logitech. The nice part, is that it comes with a headset that's connected with bluetooth, leaving you free to walk around the room to make your presentation, or uh... whatever...

It's sad that it would be ridiculous for me to want to own this. It would just be so completely out of place in my appartment. Perhaps when I richify myself and buy a nice house to...
By David Ponce The MyBlu from Mavizen is a product that actually sounds like a good idea; technically it pretty much defeats the purpose of owning an iPhone altogether. What you do is plug the device between the iPod and...
When the Apple AirPods came out, the whole world let out a range of reactions: excitement, giddiness, and awkward awe-inspired emotions for ridiculous reasons. While the Apple AirPods may be the most popular earphones, Erato's Muse 5 can fight...